Tempeh Reuben Sandwich

Are you ready to taste a mouthwatering twist on a classic favorite? Say hello to the Tempeh Reuben Sandwich! Packed with savory flavors and a delightful combination of textures, this vegetarian take on the traditional Reuben sandwich will have you coming back for seconds. Slices of tempeh, marinated in a tangy sauce, are stacked with sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, and a zesty Russian dressing, all between two slices of rye bread. Whether you’re a die-hard vegetarian or simply looking to add more plant-based options to your diet, this Tempeh Reuben Sandwich is sure to satisfy your cravings and leave you craving for more.

Tempeh Reuben Sandwich


To make a delicious Tempeh Reuben sandwich, you will need the following ingredients:


Tempeh serves as the star protein of this sandwich. It is a soy-based product with a firm texture and nutty flavor, making it an excellent meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans.


Sauerkraut provides a tangy and slightly sour taste to balance out the flavors in the sandwich. It is fermented cabbage and is packed with probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health.

Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese is the classic choice for a Reuben sandwich. It has a mild and nutty flavor that complements the other ingredients perfectly. Its creamy texture adds richness to every bite.

Rye bread

Rye bread is the traditional choice for a Reuben sandwich. Its dense and hearty texture pairs well with the robust flavors of the tempeh, sauerkraut, and Russian dressing.

Russian dressing

Russian dressing is the secret sauce that brings all the ingredients together. It is a creamy dressing that combines mayonnaise, ketchup, horseradish, and other seasonings to create a zesty and flavorful spread.

Butter or mayonnaise

Butter or mayonnaise is used to toast the bread and enhance the flavors of the sandwich. It adds a touch of richness and helps create the perfect golden-brown crust.

Salt and pepper

Salt and pepper are essential seasonings that enhance the overall taste of the sandwich. Use them to season the tempeh and adjust the flavors according to your preference.

Optional toppings

You can customize your Tempeh Reuben with a variety of optional toppings. Sliced pickles, caramelized onions, caraway seeds, and alternative dressings are some popular choices that can add an extra layer of flavor and texture.

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Marinating and Cooking the Tempeh

Slicing the tempeh

Start by slicing the tempeh into thin strips, about ⅛ to ¼ inch thick. This allows the marinade to penetrate the tempeh and gives it a more enjoyable texture when cooked.

Preparing the marinade

Next, prepare the marinade for the tempeh. You can create a flavorful marinade by combining soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and a touch of maple syrup for sweetness. Mix the marinade ingredients in a shallow dish or a ziplock bag.

Marinating the tempeh

Place the tempeh slices into the marinade and let them soak for at least 30 minutes. For even more flavor, you can marinate the tempeh overnight in the refrigerator. The longer it marinates, the more intense the flavors become.

Cooking the tempeh

After marinating, remove the tempeh from the marinade and discard any excess liquid. Heat a skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of oil. Cook the tempeh slices for about 3-5 minutes on each side, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Set aside the cooked tempeh.

Assembling the Sandwich

Toasting the bread

Toasting the bread is an essential step in creating the perfect Tempeh Reuben sandwich. Spread butter or mayonnaise on each slice of rye bread and place them in a hot skillet or under the broiler until they are golden brown and crispy.

Spreading dressing on the bread

Once the bread is toasted, spread Russian dressing on one side of each slice. This tangy and zesty sauce adds a burst of flavor to the sandwich. Feel free to slather it on generously or adjust the amount according to your preference.

Layering the tempeh and sauerkraut

Now it’s time to stack the ingredients. Start by layering the marinated and cooked tempeh slices on top of the Russian dressing. The tempeh provides the hearty and savory element of the sandwich.

Next, add a generous amount of sauerkraut on top of the tempeh. The sauerkraut’s tanginess and crunchiness complement the tempeh and add a refreshing contrast of flavors and textures.

Adding Swiss cheese

To enhance the creaminess of the sandwich, add a layer of Swiss cheese on top of the sauerkraut. The cheese will melt and envelop the other ingredients, creating a luscious and gooey texture.

Grilling the sandwich

To bring all the flavors together and achieve that satisfying Reuben experience, grill the assembled sandwich on a panini press, stovetop grill, or in a skillet. Press the sandwich gently with a spatula to flatten it slightly and cook until the cheese is melted and the bread is crispy and golden brown.

Optional Toppings and Variations

Adding sliced pickles

For those who enjoy some extra zing and crunch, sliced pickles are a great addition to the Tempeh Reuben sandwich. They provide a burst of tangy flavor and a satisfying texture. Layer them on top of the sauerkraut or serve them on the side for a refreshing accompaniment.

Including caramelized onions

Caramelized onions can elevate the flavors of the sandwich by adding a touch of sweetness and richness. Thinly slice an onion and cook it slowly over low heat until it turns golden brown and develops a caramelized flavor. Add a handful of caramelized onions to the sandwich for a delicious twist.

Sprinkling caraway seeds

For an authentic and traditional flavor, sprinkle a pinch of caraway seeds on top of the sauerkraut. These seeds have an earthy and slightly sweet taste that complements the other ingredients in the sandwich. They add complexity and depth to the overall flavor profile.

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Using alternative dressings

While Russian dressing is the classic choice, you can experiment with alternative dressings to cater to your taste preferences. Thousand Island dressing, mustard-based sauces, or even a homemade vegan mayo with added herbs and spices can be used as a delicious substitute.

Experimenting with different cheeses

Swiss cheese is the traditional option for a Tempeh Reuben, but feel free to explore other types of cheese that suit your taste. Gouda, cheddar, or even dairy-free alternatives like vegan cheddar or mozzarella can be excellent choices. Each cheese will lend a unique flavor and texture to the sandwich.

Tempeh Reuben Sandwich

Serving and Enjoying the Tempeh Reuben

Cutting and plating the sandwich

Once your Tempeh Reuben sandwich is ready, it’s time to cut and plate it. Use a sharp knife to slice the sandwich diagonally into halves or quarters. This not only makes it easier to handle but also creates an inviting presentation.

Serving with side dishes

The Tempeh Reuben is a satisfying and filling meal on its own, but you can serve it with some delicious side dishes to enhance the dining experience. Creamy coleslaw, a pickle spear, or a side salad with fresh greens and vinaigrette are all fantastic options.

Pairing with beverages

To complement the flavors of the sandwich, consider pairing it with a suitable beverage. Classic choices include a cold beer, such as a lager or an ale, or a refreshing glass of iced tea. For non-alcoholic options, try a crisp sparkling water with a squeeze of lemon or a fruity kombucha.

Storing leftovers

If you have some leftovers, store the components of the sandwich separately. Place the tempeh, sauerkraut, Russian dressing, and cheese in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Keeping them separate will prevent the bread from becoming soggy.

Reheating for future consumption

When you’re ready to enjoy the leftovers, reheat the tempeh and sauerkraut before assembling the sandwich. You can warm them in a microwave, skillet, or oven until heated through. Toast fresh bread slices, assemble the sandwich with the reheated ingredients, and grill it to regain the desired crispness and warmth.

Health Benefits

Nutritional content of tempeh

Tempeh is a nutrient-dense food that offers several health benefits. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally, tempeh is a great source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes satiety.

Gut health and probiotics from sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a fermented food that contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health. These probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive system, which can enhance digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Calcium and protein in Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese provides an excellent source of calcium and protein. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, while protein plays a crucial role in building and repairing body tissues. Including Swiss cheese in the Tempeh Reuben adds important nutrients to the meal.

The benefits of rye bread

Rye bread offers several health benefits compared to white bread. It is higher in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Rye bread also contains more vitamins and minerals, such as iron, manganese, and magnesium.

Choosing a healthy Russian dressing

By making homemade Russian dressing, you have control over the ingredients and can opt for healthier options. Use low-fat or light mayonnaise, reduced-sugar ketchup, and limit the amount of added salt. You can also experiment with using Greek yogurt as a base for a lighter and protein-rich dressing alternative.

Tempeh Reuben Sandwich

Suitable Dietary Considerations

Vegetarian and vegan options

The Tempeh Reuben is a fantastic choice for vegetarians and vegans. By using a plant-based Russian dressing and dairy-free cheese, you can create a delicious and satisfying sandwich that meets your dietary preferences.

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Gluten-free alternatives

For those following a gluten-free diet, there are options to enjoy a Tempeh Reuben. Look for gluten-free rye bread or substitute it with gluten-free bread made from ingredients like brown rice, quinoa, or buckwheat. Ensure that all other ingredients, including the dressing and toppings, are gluten-free as well.

Reduced sodium options

If you are watching your sodium intake, consider using low-sodium or reduced-sodium versions of the ingredients. Additionally, opt for unsalted tempeh or sauerkraut or rinse them before using to remove excess salt.

Low-fat or dairy-free modifications

To make the Tempeh Reuben lower in fat or dairy-free, choose low-fat or dairy-free alternatives for the butter or mayonnaise, Swiss cheese, and Russian dressing. These substitutions can help reduce the overall calorie and fat content of the sandwich.

Allergy-friendly suggestions

If you have specific allergies, customize the Tempeh Reuben accordingly. Use a soy-free tempeh alternative, avoid dairy or gluten if necessary, and check the ingredients in the Russian dressing for any allergens. Adapt the recipe to suit your dietary needs while still enjoying a delicious sandwich.

Tips and Tricks for a Perfect Reuben

Choosing the right tempeh

When selecting tempeh, look for fresh and high-quality products. Choose tempeh with a white or cream color, avoiding any that appear discolored, moldy, or have a strong odor. Fresh tempeh will have a slightly nutty aroma.

Adjusting the tempeh marinade

Feel free to adjust the marinade’s seasonings and ingredients to suit your taste preferences. You can add herbs, spices, or even a splash of your favorite hot sauce to give the tempeh a unique flavor. Experimentation is key to finding the perfect balance of flavors.

Squeezing excess liquid from sauerkraut

To prevent the sandwich from becoming soggy, it’s essential to remove excess liquid from the sauerkraut. Simply use your hands or a clean kitchen towel to squeeze out the moisture. This step ensures that the sauerkraut retains its crunchiness and prevents the bread from becoming waterlogged.

Melting Swiss cheese evenly

To ensure the Swiss cheese melts evenly, cover the sandwich with a lid or foil while grilling or heating it. The trapped heat will help create a sandwich with a perfectly melted layer of cheese.

Grilling sandwich without burning

To avoid burning the bread or the sandwich, make sure to cook it over medium heat. Keep an eye on the sandwich and adjust the heat if needed. If using a panini press, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent any mishaps.

Tempeh Reuben Sandwich

History and Cultural Significance

Origin of the Reuben sandwich

The Reuben sandwich originated in the United States during the early 20th century. It is believed to have been created by Reuben Kay, a grocer in Omaha, Nebraska. The sandwich gained popularity as a favorite among patrons at the Blackstone Hotel’s deli, where it was first served.

Tempeh as a modern twist

While the traditional Reuben sandwich is made with corned beef, using tempeh as a meatless alternative adds a modern twist to the classic dish. Tempeh’s firm texture and ability to absorb flavors make it an ideal substitution that offers a unique and delicious option for vegetarians and vegans.

Popular variations and adaptations

Over time, the Reuben sandwich has seen a variety of adaptations to cater to different taste preferences and dietary restrictions. Some popular variations include using turkey instead of corned beef, swapping out the Swiss cheese for different types of cheese, or substituting Russian dressing with Thousand Island dressing.

The Reuben in contemporary cuisine

The Reuben sandwich has become a staple in American delis and a beloved classic in contemporary cuisine. It has inspired countless variations and remains a go-to choice for those seeking a satisfying sandwich option with a perfect balance of flavors and textures.

Cultural references and influence

The Reuben sandwich has become ingrained in popular culture, making appearances in TV shows, movies, and literature. It has also influenced other dishes, such as the Reuben egg rolls or the Reuben pizza. The cultural references and influence of this iconic sandwich play a significant role in keeping it relevant and sought after.


The Tempeh Reuben sandwich is a delicious twist on a classic favorite, providing a satisfying and flavorful meal option for vegetarians and vegans. By marinating and cooking the tempeh, assembling the sandwich with sauerkraut and Swiss cheese, and grilling it to perfection, you can create a mouthwatering sandwich that will leave you wanting more. With a variety of optional toppings, dietary considerations, and helpful tips, you can customize the Tempeh Reuben to suit your preferences and dietary needs. Enjoy this tasty and nutritious sandwich while exploring its cultural significance and place in modern cuisine.

Tempeh Reuben Sandwich