Vegan “Tuna” Salad With Chickpeas

Are you looking for a tasty and nutritious plant-based alternative to traditional tuna salad? Look no further than this delectable Vegan “Tuna” Salad with Chickpeas! Packed with protein-rich chickpeas, fresh veggies, and a flavorful dressing, this vegan version offers all the satisfying flavors of the classic dish without any animal products. Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, or just looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, this recipe is sure to become a favorite. Get ready to transform your lunchtime with this delicious and cruelty-free salad!


To make vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chickpeas
  • Vegan mayonnaise
  • Red onion
  • Celery
  • Dill pickle
  • Lemon juice
  • Dijon mustard
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper
  • Fresh parsley

These ingredients are all easily accessible and can be found in most grocery stores. They provide the perfect combination of flavors and textures to create a delicious vegan alternative to traditional tuna salad.


To prepare vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas, follow these simple steps:

  1. Drain and rinse the chickpeas: Start by draining and rinsing the chickpeas to remove any excess liquid. This step helps to create a light and fluffy texture for your salad.

  2. Mash the chickpeas: Once the chickpeas are rinsed, mash them using a fork or potato masher until they reach a texture similar to tuna. This step is key in achieving the desired consistency for your salad.

  3. Chop the red onion: Take a red onion and chop it into small, bite-sized pieces. The red onion adds a subtle tanginess and crunch to the salad.

  4. Chop the celery: Next, chop the celery into small pieces. Celery adds freshness and a crisp texture to the salad.

  5. Chop the dill pickle: Chop the dill pickle into small chunks. The dill pickle provides a tangy flavor that complements the other ingredients perfectly.

  6. Mix the vegan mayonnaise, lemon juice, and Dijon mustard: In a separate bowl, mix together the vegan mayonnaise, lemon juice, and Dijon mustard. These ingredients will act as the creamy base for your salad.

  7. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl: In a large mixing bowl, combine the mashed chickpeas, chopped red onion, celery, and dill pickle. Mix well to ensure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

  8. Season with sea salt and black pepper to taste: Add sea salt and black pepper to the salad to enhance the flavors. The amount of seasoning can be adjusted according to your personal preference.

  9. Garnish with fresh parsley: Finally, garnish your vegan “tuna” salad with a handful of fresh parsley. This adds a pop of freshness and color to your dish.

  10. Serve chilled or on your favorite bread or salad: Your vegan “tuna” salad is now ready to be enjoyed! You can serve it chilled as a standalone dish, or spread it on your favorite bread or salad for a complete meal.

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Vegan Tuna Salad With Chickpeas


One of the great things about vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas is its versatility. Here are some variations you can try to customize the recipe to your liking:

  • Add chopped cucumber for extra freshness: If you enjoy the crispness of cucumber, try adding some chopped cucumber to your salad. It adds a cool and refreshing element.

  • Mix in some vegan cream cheese for a creamier consistency: For a creamier texture, you can mix in some vegan cream cheese. This adds richness and enhances the mouthfeel of the salad.

  • Substitute dill pickle with capers for a tangy twist: If you’re looking to switch up the flavor profile, substitute the dill pickle with capers. Capers offer a tangy and slightly briny taste.

  • Add a pinch of cayenne pepper for some heat: If you prefer a spicier kick, add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your salad. It will give your dish a subtle heat without overpowering the other flavors.

  • Include diced avocado for added creaminess: Avocado lovers can add some diced avocado to their vegan “tuna” salad. The creamy texture of avocado pairs well with the other ingredients.

Feel free to get creative with these variations and adjust them to suit your taste preferences. The possibilities are endless!

Benefits of Vegan Tuna Salad with Chickpeas

Aside from being a tasty and satisfying dish, vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas offers several health benefits:

  • High in plant-based protein from chickpeas: Chickpeas are an excellent source of plant-based protein. They provide the body with essential amino acids and are a great alternative to animal-based proteins.

  • Rich in fiber from chickpeas and vegetables: This salad is packed with dietary fiber from both the chickpeas and the vegetables. Fiber promotes healthy digestion and helps keep you feeling fuller for longer.

  • Low in saturated fat compared to traditional tuna salad: This vegan alternative is free from saturated fats commonly found in animal products. It is a healthier option for those looking to reduce their saturated fat intake.

  • No cholesterol or mercury found in fish-based tuna salad: Fish-based tuna salad contains cholesterol and may also contain trace amounts of mercury. Vegan “tuna” salad provides a cholesterol-free and mercury-free alternative.

  • Suitable for individuals with seafood allergies or dietary restrictions: Vegan “tuna” salad is a great option for individuals with seafood allergies or those who follow a plant-based or vegan diet. It allows them to enjoy a tuna salad-like experience without any concerns.

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By incorporating vegan “tuna” salad into your diet, you can enjoy a delicious meal while reaping the health benefits it offers.

Vegan Tuna Salad With Chickpeas

Nutritional Value

One serving of vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas (approximately 1 cup) provides the following nutritional values:

  • Calories: 200
  • Protein: 8g
  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Fiber: 6g
  • Vitamin C: 15%
  • Iron: 10%
  • Calcium: 6%

These values may vary slightly depending on the specific ingredients and quantities used in your recipe. However, overall, vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas offers a well-rounded nutritional profile.

Tips for Making the Perfect Vegan Tuna Salad

To ensure your vegan “tuna” salad turns out perfectly every time, consider the following tips:

  • Make sure to fully rinse and drain the chickpeas: Thoroughly rinsing and draining the chickpeas helps remove any excess liquid, resulting in a better texture for your salad.

  • Mash the chickpeas well to achieve a texture similar to tuna: Take the time to mash the chickpeas properly to achieve a texture that resembles traditional tuna salad. This step is crucial in creating the desired consistency.

  • Allow the salad to chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to enhance flavors: Allowing the salad to chill in the refrigerator for some time helps the flavors meld together and enhances the overall taste.

  • Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences: Everyone’s taste buds are unique, so feel free to adjust the seasoning to suit your personal preferences. Add more salt, pepper, or any other spices that you enjoy.

  • Experiment with different herbs and spices to personalize the recipe: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your flavors! Try adding different herbs, spices, or seasonings to personalize the recipe and make it your own.

Following these tips will help you create a vegan “tuna” salad that is flavorful, balanced, and enjoyable to eat.

Vegan Tuna Salad With Chickpeas

How to Store Vegan Tuna Salad with Chickpeas

To store your vegan “tuna” salad and keep it fresh, follow these guidelines:

  • Transfer the salad to an airtight container: Place the salad in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing any odors from the fridge.

  • Refrigerate for up to 3-4 days: Vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. After this time, it may begin to lose its freshness.

  • Stir the salad before serving if any separation occurs: If you notice any separation or settling of the dressing, give the salad a good stir before serving to redistribute the flavors.

  • Do not freeze the salad as the texture may change: Freezing the salad can alter the texture and may result in a less desirable consistency. It is best enjoyed fresh from the refrigerator.

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By properly storing your vegan “tuna” salad, you can enjoy it throughout the week without compromising its quality.

Ways to Enjoy Vegan Tuna Salad with Chickpeas

There are many ways to enjoy vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Spread on toast or sandwiches for a quick and nutritious meal: Take a slice of whole-grain bread or a sandwich roll and spread a generous amount of vegan “tuna” salad on it. This makes for a quick and satisfying meal.

  • Scoop onto a bed of greens for a refreshing salad: Serve your vegan “tuna” salad on top of a bed of mixed greens or your favorite salad greens. It adds flavor and protein to your salad, making it a complete and refreshing meal.

  • Serve as a dip with whole-grain crackers or fresh vegetables: Prepare a platter of whole-grain crackers, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber slices. Use your vegan “tuna” salad as a delicious and wholesome dip.

Experiment with these serving suggestions and find the one that suits your taste buds and preferences best.

Vegan Tuna Salad With Chickpeas


Vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas is a delicious and sustainable alternative to traditional tuna salad. It’s easy to make, packed with plant-based nutrition, and can be enjoyed in various ways.

Whether you’re following a vegan diet, looking to reduce your seafood consumption, or simply wanting a healthier option, this recipe is a must-try. By incorporating vegan “tuna” salad with chickpeas into your meal rotation, you can enjoy a flavorful and nutritious dish that benefits both your health and the environment.